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Links on the topic of agrobiodiversity


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Social-ecological research

Institutions and programs


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO link to biodiversity in food and agriculture

European System of Cooperative Research Networks in Agriculture (ESCORENA)

Commission on genetic resources for food and agriculture

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (ITPGR)

Consultive Group on international Agricultural Research

International Plant Genetic Resources Institute

International Livestock Research Institute

Homepage of the Environment Network of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The World Conservative Union Office for Central Europe

Biodiversity Convention, Convention on biological Diversity (CBD)

Agrobiodiversity in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity


European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR)/ Cooperative Programme for the Use of Plant Genetic Resources

The World Conservative Union Office for Central Europe

High-Level Pan-European Conference on Agriculture and Biodiversity: towards integrating biological and landscape diversity for sustainable agriculture in Europe

European Union

Information from the European Commission on agriculture in the EU

Information on Directive (EC) No 1467/94 on the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources

Biodiversity of the European Community

EU Action Programme on Genetic Resources in Agriculture

Federal and state governments

Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL)

Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL):

Biological diversity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Advisory Board for Genetic Resources (BMVEL)

German information platform on CBD

Information system Genetic Resources of the Information Center for Biological Diversity (IBV) Central Office for Agricultural Documentation and Information (ZADI)

Central Office for Agricultural Documentation and Information (ZADI

Advice to the BMVEL and other ministries as well as the federal states on general questions regarding funding measures and political decisions in the field of genetic resources by the Information Centre for Biological Diversity of the ZADI

German Agricultural Information Network of ZADI, contains a portal on biological diversity

Search engine for topics related to agriculture, nature and environmental protection

Homepage of the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH for the implementation of the Biodiversity Convention

Homepage of the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH for safeguarding agrobiodiversity in rural areas

Agricultural Ministers’ Conference (AMK) (specialist conference of the ministers and senators of the federal states responsible for agriculture and rural development)

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

Federal Plant Variety Office

National specialist programmes

Specialist program for animal genetic resources

Specialist program for plant genetic resources

Non-governmental organisations/ associations

Society for the Preservation of Old and Endangered Domestic Animal Breeds (GEH)

Pro Specie Rara, a foundation with the aim of preserving endangered livestock breeds and cultivated plants from extinction:

Arche Noah, Society for the Conservation and Distribution of Crop Diversity

Sustain, The Alliance for better food and farming

AgrarBündnis eV

Association for Rural Agriculture (AbL)

BUKO Agrar Coordination

SAVE (Securing agricultural biodiversity in Europe)

Rare Breeds International

"Save our Seeds" initiative to keep conventionally and organically grown seeds free from genetically modified organisms

Evangelical Development Service

German Farmers’ Association

KERN-Verbund, preserving, recultivating and using cultivated plants

VEN Association for the Conservation of Crop Diversity eV

Grain-Genetic Resources Action International

Action group on erosion, technology and concentration

UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition

German Society for Rare Cultivated Plants


Competence network for agricultural and nutritional research (social-ecological research) 

Research project Regional Prosperity

Research project AG Change

Research project Nutritional change

Research project From the agricultural turnaround to the consumer turnaround

Research project Network Precautionary Economics

Volume 20 of the "Writings on Genetic Resources" online,

topic "Biological diversity for nutrition, agriculture and forestry".

Thematic network for biodiversity research at EU level

World Resources Institute (WIR)

Study on on-farm management by the University of Göttingen

"Presentation and analysis of concepts of on-farm management of plant genetic resources with particular consideration of the economic framework conditions

in Germany".

Monitoring study on "Agricultural Genetic Resources" in the Alpine region

ibs Information Service Biodiversity Research Switzerland

Agricultural genetic resources of the Alps

Database Historical Inventory of Swiss Cultivated Plants

Website on neglected crop species


J. and C. Graf Keyserlingk Institute, seed research in biodynamic agriculture

Cereal breeding research

Portal for poultry breeding